Underline: your solution for multilingual captions
Ep. 5 - Aug 2023
Step into the realm of innovation as we proudly present our latest creation: Underline. With unparalleled dedication, this remarkable tool has been meticulously honed from its inception within the confines of our state-of-the-art laboratories. Designed to cater to your diverse linguistic needs, Underline stands ready to emerge as the definitive answer for all your multilingual captioning requirements. Join us on a journey where cutting-edge technology converges with meticulous craftsmanship, providing you with the ultimate solution you’ve been seeking.
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Daniel Campos
Technology Director & Founder
Daniel es el director de tecnología e información de Sinapi. Es el responsable de los sistemas informáticos y las tecnologías de la empresa. Sus tareas también incluyen identificar y proveer las tecnologías necesarias para que los procesos de la empresa funcionen lo mejor posible, y ocuparse de la planificación de la capacidad y de las estrategias para garantizar la calidad de las entregas.
Daniel trabaja en la industria de la tecnología desde hace más de 20 años. Daniel impulsa la globalización de los productos de toda la cartera de herramientas de la empresa hacia un nuevo nivel de desarrollo y éxito. Además, aporta orientación, instrucciones y claridad sobre cómo integrar los servicios de globalización.
Fabricio Ruiz
Fabricio began his professional journey at Sinapi as a support agent. However, his profound interest in development tasks, combined with his background as a Computer Science student, quickly became evident. Currently, he holds a leadership position in various development projects, primarily focusing on Java and the Spring framework. With an impressive track record, he has skillfully integrated CAT tools with a range of ASR services, MT providers, report generation tools, and other state-of-the-art technologies. This has significantly propelled the field of language technology solutions at Sinapi forward. Fabricio’s progression from a support agent to a prominent development leader showcases his unwavering determination, technical expertise, and steadfast commitment to pioneering advancements in language.